Having both been in the doll industry for over 30 years, Kathryn Gallagher Morton and Ruby Ho have long known each other. Kathryn, as the founder and owner of Maplelea Canadian Girl Dolls, was thrilled when Ruby and her team offered her the opportunity to be the exclusive Canadian distributor of Ruby's new, emerging line, the Ruby Red Fashion Friends.
In just a few short years, Ruby Red dolls have gained international attention. While suitable and safe as play dolls, the articulated bodies and darling faces have made them eagerly sought by teens and adults as a base for their creativity.

Many love to add Ruby Red dolls to their collection, posed in their adorable outfits, just the way they come, occasionally switching up their doll displays with the numerous available outfits.

For others, these Ruby Red dolls become the little sisters and brothers of their other larger dolls.

Some like to sew or craft for their Ruby Red dolls.

Yet others do customizations and turn their Ruby Red dolls into one-of-a-kind creations.

Many enjoy photographing their dolls outdoors in nature.

Others set up simple or elaborate indoor scenes which they photograph and share on social media.

With their 9 points of articulation, these photogenic ball-jointed dolls can convey an expression and personality that is amazing.

There is a very active online community sharing their joy of these dolls.
In whatever way Ruby Red dolls are enjoyed, everyone is absolutely enchanted with their poseability, sweet faces, and darling fashions.
Who better to offer the Ruby Red line to Canadians, than Maplelea, Canada's premier doll company!
Welcome to Canada, Ruby Red!